Apache Stratos 是一个支持多语言的 PaaS 框架,提供一个云端的开发、测试和运行可伸缩应用程序的环境。提供高利用率、自动化资源管理和平台的监控以及收费管理。
Apache Stratos 可运行 Tomcat、PHP 和 MySQL 应用作为服务,带来自服务管理、弹性扩展、多租户的部署、使用监控等等。
该系统目前还在 Apache 基金会中进行孵化。
Apache Stratos 4.0.0 发布,此版本是 Apache Stratos 成为高级项目以来的第一个版本发布。现已提供 下载,相关文档请看 这里。主要更新内容如下:
Bug 修复
[ STRATOS-202] - nohup: appending output to `nohup.out' message comes when starting up autoscaler, loadbalancer, cloud controller
[ STRATOS-356] - Service Aware LB subscription Fails
[ STRATOS-364] - CLI does not show error message even though it failed to unsubscribe
[ STRATOS-373] - CLI should specifically say if alias is already exists..(Not a general error)
[ STRATOS-434] - Add an Operation to List Deployed Multitenant Service Cluster Details
[ STRATOS-456] - Exceptions does not propagate when communication via stubs
[ STRATOS-476] - Cartridge Agent throws an NPE, if there're no payload params in launch-params file
[ STRATOS-478] - UI Exception throws when idle for sometime
[ STRATOS-485] - opt is hardcoded in stratos.sh in CA
[ STRATOS-486] - Propagating back-end exceptions to the front-end (CLI and UI)
[ STRATOS-491] - Exception shown in the CLI instead of the proper message
[ STRATOS-492] - Stratos configuration wizard's samples need to be revisited and corrected
[ STRATOS-494] - Instances are spawned again after Un-Subscription
[ STRATOS-495] - LB cartridge sample configuration does not include load.balancer property
[ STRATOS-498] - Cartridge Agent reads launch-params file for each parameter
[ STRATOS-502] - Error in SM after sometime
[ STRATOS-525] - Ability to assign Openstack availability zones using jclouds Openstack-nova API
[ STRATOS-527] - Disable registry versioning
[ STRATOS-531] - Some improvements to the UI
[ STRATOS-532] - UI allows different passwords password and repeat password fields when creating tenants
[ STRATOS-533] - UI not showing correct subscription details of subscribed cartridges
[ STRATOS-534] - current instances stopped and re spinned when AS shutdown for a moment and restart
[ STRATOS-540] - Stratos GUI goes to an error page if LB cartridge definitions json format is not correct.
[ STRATOS-542] - Cartridge Agent should not listen only to localhost
[ STRATOS-543] - Topology needs to be sync when the member gets terminated
[ STRATOS-544] - private ip/public ip in the NodeMetaData is null when we use multiple networks
[ STRATOS-545] - Topology synchronization period needs to be configurable
[ STRATOS-557] - Error while starting mysql instances
[ STRATOS-564] - Cluster monitor creation should be re-tried few times, if failed once
[ STRATOS-572] - Support cartridge undeploy in stratos UI
[ STRATOS-576] - wrong theme in stratos manager
[ STRATOS-577] - Exception when trying to login as a deactivated tenant
[ STRATOS-579] - Issue with check availability button in adding a new tenant
[ STRATOS-584] - copy broker client lib step is missing in the documentation
[ STRATOS-588] - URL File Path not being included in Location Header
[ STRATOS-600] - A new member to replace a faulty member should be spawned via min-check rule
[ STRATOS-602] - vCloud: Stratos Manager Unable To Push Payload to Cartridge VM
[ STRATOS-609] - Decrement In-Flight Request Count On Fault Requests
[ STRATOS-614] - Scale down logic does not execute as intended
[ STRATOS-625] - Error in scale down logic
[ STRATOS-627] - Event Publishers and Subscribers do not reconnect to message broker if connection drops
[ STRATOS-97] - Load Balancer Architectural Changes for Stratos 4.0.0
[ STRATOS-348] - Improve Multi-tenant cartridge subscription mechanism
[ STRATOS-447] - Add categorization to the cartridge listing page
[ STRATOS-448] - Error handling from the backend in the UI.
[ STRATOS-461] - Provide validation for the add new teanat page
[ STRATOS-505] - Make Stratos Cartridge Agent Truly Extensible
[ STRATOS-523] - Run stratos in a single JVM instance
[ STRATOS-562] - Single JVM installation script
[ STRATOS-591] - Need an error page for Stratos Console
[ STRATOS-612] - Fixing few usability issues with setting up Stratos
[ STRATOS-153] - Port cartridge management APIs to REST
[ STRATOS-203] - [stratos-manager-frontend] boilerplate MVC structure for the application